So there are a few things in life that one should simply never have to live without. One is amazing quality chocolate, the second is well cultured cheese and the third is love. What one needs to remember is each in moderation. While I'm trying to live by the 80/20 rule still (eat healthy 80% and indulge mildly 20% of my week). This doesn't exclude me from trying new things. I basically live mostly dairy free, sugar free, gluten free and wheat free. I do this because it helps me drop body fat. But mainly because my body doesn't tolerate these things well and neither does yours.
However upon pondering, if I did eat cheese, I'd want to know what goes in it. So it was quite refreshing to know just how easy it was to make my own organic cheese. It also gave me a deep appreciation for my local cheese farmer. Basic mozzorella is pretty simple. But moving on to Gouda, I think I'll have to block out a whole day. When I do attempt Gouda, you'll be the first to know about it...but I'll need to barrow a 45lb weight. Anyone in the market for free Gouda in return for loaning me a weight?
A few things in life that are priceless, a kitchen full of friends celebrating with you joking about "cutting the cheese" is one of them. So whatever choices you make in life, make sure you share it. --This is by far the best health advice I could possibly give you, because no amount of weight loss in the world can substitute authentic Love.
A few tips on the ingredients purchasing:Ok so on to the cheese. I used Humboldt creamery organic milk. Cow's milk is easy to start with, its favor is mild and its a good choice to start with if your a cheese newbie like me. I am after all a city slicker and this is all new to me too.
For the one who wants to splurge a little and put the health consciousness a side for a min, also buy organic CULTURED buttermilk.
Thirdly you can squeeze two table spoons of lemon juice but if you've got some cuts just go buy organic lemon juice. It'll be useful later on when I move on to Gouda making. This way you don't have to worry about straining out the seeds and pulp.
Condiments: favoring the cheese is key at this level. Since there's no aging involved you'll need some sea salt or your cheese will be flat. you can also add any herbs to your leisure. For this first go, I'm going to keep it simple. I'll drizzle it with pepper and cold pressed olive oil upon serving. Eat it with crackers, bread, fruit etc. So as usual I spot recipes and make them BETTER. With this one, the key is freshest milk possible, the best salt and above all cold pressed olive oil. My other secret? White truffle oil. Yeah a few drops go along way!
Recipe Spotted: Fromage Blanc
Ingredients:1 quart fresh organic, local whole milk (for newbies, pasteurized)
1 cup active-culture buttermilk
2 tsp lemon juice or white vinegar, more if needed
3/4 tsp salt, or to taste
Cheese cloth
Medium pot
rubberband or kitchen twine
medium bowl
1. Bring milk to a slow boil. Be sure to whisk so milk doesn't burn. To be accurate stick a thermometer in and measure milk to 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Once milk boils or reaches that temp turn off heat
3. Pour in buttermilk and stir to make sure buttermilk is thoroughly incorporated. At this stage you'll see the curdles happen.
4. Pour in lemon juice, stir and let sit for 15 mins.

5. Strain pot into cheese cloth lined strainer.

6. pour out the whey (liquid)

7. Wrap up the curds, do not squeeze. I use a chopstick and rubber band to hang the sack so it can continue to strain out the liquid.

8. let it strain for 30 mins.
9. check on your cheese and take it out of the cloth. You'll see sexy cheese cloth marks. Then you know that you did a good job.

10. Add seasalt to taste, mix it into the cheese or pat on top, the salt will develop flavor and work its way to the middle of the cheese. If you have a ramekin, mold your cheese to the ramekin and cover with saran wrap to chill in the fridge overnight. It's ready to eat but its at room temp and isn't well developed yet.

11. Cheese is a cottage cheese consistency but has a mozzarella taste. Serve on a plate drizzed with cracked pepper and olive oil. slice it up and make Bruschetta. Either way you have just made yourself the freshest cheese on earth! enjoy!