Have you ever seen the “All Natural” advertisement on the labels of small California food companies such Santa Cruz Bread Company or Humboldt bay fog Cheese Company? I will explain why it says that. Right now the FDA has a hold on the organic patent. It is the fastest growing sector of the food industry in America. Therefore the FDA will charge a bundle for a company to be able to put the word “organic” on the products. In the past the FDA tries to loosen the restrictions on what could pass as organic. Organic Farmers and various organizations raised hell and the FDA backed off and stopped the back door deals. Therefore smaller vendors will put “All Natural” instead. This also indicates that they are using high quality material. At the very least by checking the ingredients to see if they are using chemical preserves. This does not guarantee that the ingredients itself are organic. But in my personal opinion, many of them will because small farms and food companies believe in health and do it not for the sake of money. In fact the "Organic patent is expensive and often small farmers can't afford to pay for it. therefore since the FDA does not have a hold on "All natural" its the second best choice. So the next time you see “All Natural on the label looks into it. Chances are its good stuff.
While we’re off the topic of recipes, I’d like to share with you some feelings. Mainly, because I think if you can relate to this, you need to clear your mind and hit restart. Stop making excuses and just do it! I use to say, I’m not a runner, I have flat feet, I have small lungs, short legs, bad back, creaky knees. I use to say, “ I’m not a runner I’m a swimmer, I’m muscular I can’t be skinny.” --all these things are poison to the mind. Truth is, you can be anything you want. Whoever invented the idea that if you do something you have to do it well, is on crack! Or what is that new thing? Sevilla? Haha. Remember I was the fatty that ran 15 min miles. Check me out now with my 10 min miles baby!
I feel like I’ve somewhat earned the right to talk about what you ought to do, or ought not to do. I think more than anything it’s annoying, I mean vexing to my soul to listen to someone say, “I eat healthy” or the classic “I eat relatively healthy.” Yet still are a 200lb fatty. I’m not knocking fat people. I’m knocking fat people who think they are “healthy” or “fit.” Bottom line is, if you are healthy and fit, you would be thinner. Body types very, given. But BMI’s don’t lie. Chant with me now B-M-I’s-do-not-lie!
So dear fat lady who likes to sit in the sauna and bug me while I’m sweating my butt off. Please stop telling me how you eat “relatively healthy” but you’re not sure why you can’t get leaner. I’m not a cold and heartless but any advice I give you is countered with, “well that’s just not for me.” Because woman, health is for EVERYONE!
Me: try running
Her: I’m not a runner, I lift
Me: (rolls eyes) eat less
Her: I don’t know I must be special because I’ll eat but I get hungry so fast.
Me: don’t eat carbs
Her: oh I eat lots of fruit
Me: (getting angry) stop eating after 6
Her: I don’t like feeling hungry
Me. (breathing is labored) try chugging water, protein shake or (in my mind, suck it up).
Her: It must be water retention
Me: (I’m screaming at her in my head) eat veggies
Her: I like meat
Me: (#$%$^&*%&%^**%$^%!!) Um I gotta go! Um…you..good..luck..yeah…ok bye!!!
Oh and p.s. there is “relatively healthy vs healthy” you can’t eat a mc’d cheese burger and spinach salad. Just doesn’t work that way. You can’t eat gluten free by load it up with butter. Use your head. In college I remember girls obsessively eating salad dressed with a lb of ranch and they complained their pants were getting tight.
If there’s anything I learned from this is this: Just be who you are and do it with love. Do not deceive others, in the end you are only convincing yourself. It has taken me a long time to realize that I was lying to myself. It took me a long time to realize I was unhealthy and that I wasn’t just “big boned.” My ass was lumpy and the weight of my bones had nothing to do with that.
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