Saturday, February 26, 2011

Basil & Zuchinni Wrap "(Curtosy of RAWmazing)

This recipe is a bit tedious because it calls for you to make your own wrap shell, and moreover, it needs to be consumed immediately. I love wraps but I'm hard pressed to find anything I can eat when I'm detox. On detox not only do I have to stay away from gluten, but I have to fast from most of the flours that are used as white flour subs. Not because they are unhealthy. But because everything has a carb count. And carb counts for potatoes and other saturated starches are a little too high to consume. For example, it's fine to eat sweet potato, but on detox I should really have a fourth to a half. It also teaches one about moderation.

I use to binge, and even if you binge on the good stuff, sometimes it can still hinder your detox/weight loss progress. I don't count count carbs, but I do keep a mental note of volume of consumption, and for some keeping simple carb counts are helpful. For example to know how many carbs is in Almonds will help you figure out how many you can eat a day. I measure in handfuls. Since My hands are small, I can have a handful a day, EASY!

Alas I have found a way around this dilemma because I have spotted the RAWAMAINGLY COOL BASIL AND ZUCCHINI WRAP!--This is also a great recipe if you hate zucchini but want to eat it because its goo for you. I feel that way sometimes, I really wish I liked eggplant because of it nutrition content. However I simply hate it. So I discovered I could make eggplant tacos and I couldn't taste the eggplant...but that recipe is for next time.

This recipe is Gluten free

* 3 cups chopped zucchini
* 1 young coconut, flesh from
* 3/4 cup ground flax
* 12 leaves fresh basil
* pinch Himalayan Salt
* pinch ground pepper
* black sesame seeds

1. Place all ingredients except black sesame seeds in blender.
2. Blend until smooth.
3. Spread in a thin layer on non-stick sheets. Don’t spread too thin or you will have holes.
4. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
5. Dehydrate at 115 for 3 hours. When tops are dry, peel off of sheet and dry until bottoms are dry to the touch but still pliable.
6. Cut into 5 squares. Makes 12.

Spinach Cream Dressing

* 1 cup macadamia nuts
* 1/4 cup water
* 2 tablespoons oil
* 1/4 cup young Thai coconut flesh
* 1 clove garlic
* 1/3 cup spinach
* 2 teaspoons lemon juice
* pinch Himalayan Salt
* pinch pepper

1. Place all ingredients in high-speed blender and blend until smooth.


* 2 carrots, cubed
* 2 cucumbers, cubed
* 2 avocados, cubed
* 2 tomatoes, cubed
* 1 cup jicama, cubed

1. Mix all vegetables together.
2. Add spinach cream to the mixture by spoonful. (to taste). Combine.
3. Place a layer of lettuce on the wrap. Spoon filling on lettuce and wrap up.

Makes enough filling for 4 to 6 wraps

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